Flare3D 2.8.5 * Library * added - F3DLoader switchScene method. * added - Input3D mouseXSpeed and mouseYSpeed now are also updated when entering full screen mode. * fixed - issues in StaticBatch3D not working properly in some surfaces. * fixed - objects which needs to be split in different surfaces not being rendered properly. * fixed - Physics - issue releasing materials from memory because of references to mesh colliders. * fixed - Physics - issue while removing colliders, last reference it is not set to null. * fixed - Physics - ray / mesh now returns mesh world space normal. * fixed - Physics - sphere / box now returns a contact when they are just intersecting. * IDE * added - scene nodes now stores all scene properties. * fixed - texture previews and thumbnails aspect ratio. * fixed - Save As Project button in Project panel. * fixed - Surfaces sometimes shows triangles as -1 * fixed - scene stats are now more accurate. Flare3D 2.8.4 * Library * fixed - F3DLoader, non ATF texture not being uploaded before complete event. * IDE * added - Package, "Clean Package" in context menu. * fixed - Project Panel, bug when saving projects with a single pivot instance. * fixed - Textures Panel - releaseBitmapData stored but not used at runtime. Flare3D 2.8.3 * Library * added - Texture3D - now supports an array of 6 bitmaps as a request for creating a cubemap. * fixed - Mesh3DUtils.merge not working. * fixed - FLSL - issues when accessing to flare.filters due to some recent changes. * fixed - MeshBatch3D - scaling bug * IDE * added - Resource contextual meny, "Embed in Package" option to allow embeding assets in packages that are not tied to 3d models. * fixed - Issues when importing some old ZF3D files. * fixed - Texture Panel not showing multiple textures correctly. Flare3D 2.8.2 * Library * added - FLSL / Shader3D multiple outputs for MRT and AGAL2 (experimental). * improved - FLSLMaterial compilation, * improved - F3DLoader, minor refactoring and improvements. * IDE * added - Animated Scroll Map filter. * added - Animated Sprite Sheet filter. * added - Normal Map Ex filter. * added - Triplanar Map filter. * added - File Menu / Build Scene As, which builds the current scene to into an F3D. * added - Project Panel, "Build As..." on right click menu for 3D objects. * improved - Null texture resources is now a shared texture. * changed - Project Panel, Builds now only include the needed references, not the entire package. * fixed - wrong scale when adding children Pivot3D instances to MeshBatch3D class. * fixed - bug when importing mirrored surfaces. * fixed - FLSL Panel, build button now works properly. * fixed - FLSL Panel, wrong compiler errors when building the shaders. * fixed - The current file name is now set properly when swiching files. * fixed - Invalid texture data caused a crash when building an F3D. * removed - Project Panel, export for web, android and ios filters which are not longer needed. * removed - Project Panel, mount package option, it will probably be added again in coming builds. Flare3D 2.8.1 * Library * fixed - ZF3D files always overriding the current scene camera. * IDE * added - Scene Panel, Saving empty scene warning. * fixed - importing atf compressed textures sometimes got wrong texture formats. * fixed - Scene Panel, Save Scene, and Save Scene As... dialogs showing multiple times when no extension is specified. * fixed - Scene Panel, Saving scene warning message showing multiple times. * fixed - Project Panel, Save As now stores the saved file and updates the window title. Flare3D 2.8.0 * Library * added - (beta) F3DLoader - a new optimized F3D binary format. * added - (beta) new MeshBatch3D class for dynamic mesh batching. * added - (beta) new StaticBatch3D class for static mesh batching. * added - (beta) new SpriteParticles3D and Sprite3D, a new fast, flexible and dynamic particles engine (hibryd CPU / GPU). * added - (beta) Pivot3D.isStatic property and Pivot3D.setStatic() method, to allow automatic batching of draw calls. * added - (beta) F3DLoader.timePerBlock to open the files by pieces and prevent it from freezing when uncompressing large files. default is 0 (disabled). * added - (beta) F3DLoader.getFile(url) - to get any of the package resources. * added - (beta) F3DLoader.uploadTextures - allows to chouse whether or not upload all textures after loading in cases where you don't plan to use it inmediately. * added - (beta) F3DLoader upload(), download() and dispose() methods works on the entire package, so it gets easier to manage groups of resources. * added - (beta) F3DLoader.resources - a dynamic object instance where all the loader resources are stored using URL's keys. it could be set to another loader resources instance to share or reload assets between packages. * added - new examples 66 to 72. * added - Pivot3D.getTextures() method. * added - Pivot3D.getSurfaces() method. * added - Pivot3D.replaceTexture() method. * added - Pivot3D.replaceSurface() method. * added - Scene3D.staticBatch instance where all static objects are managed. * added - Scene3D.getPointScreenCoords now can receive a custom camera and viewport. * added - Particles3D.material property is now public. * added - SkinModifier meshes now can draw their bones or things parented to bones if their root.visible property is set to true. * added - Surface3D.addExternalSource() method (see docs). * added - Surface3D.getVertexData() method. * added - Surface3D.getVertexDataSize() method. * added - Surface3D.vertexAttributes property, a 32bit flag which stores 1 bit per vertex attribute for fast checking with materials. * added - Texture3D FILTER_ANISOTROPIC constans for filtering modes. * added - Texture3D FORMAT_RGBA_HALF_FLOAT for texture format. * added - Texture3D WRAP_CLAMP_U and WRAP_CLAMP_V constants for wrap modes. * added - Texture3D TYPE_RECTANGLE constant for texture type. * added - Texture3D.releaseBitmapData property (takes its default value from Device3D.releaseTextureBitmaps). * added - Texture3D.clone() method. * added - Texture3D.request is now a get/set property. * added - Texture3D.allowRuntimeCompression for RGBA textures on Web / Desktop. * added - Material3D.materialAttributes for fast compatibility checking with surfaces. * added - Material3D.getTextures() method. * added - FLSLMaterial - automatic fast resampling of shaders without recompiling the whole material when swhiching texures / formats. * added - FLSLMaterial - dynamic sampler state (wrap, filtering and mip mode) if the texture options is set to ignore or Device3D.dynamicSamplerState is set to true. * added - FLSLMaterial.replaceTexture() method. * added - FLSLMaterial.drawQuad method (simpler than Scene3D.drawQuadTexture, specially usefull for post processing). * added - FLSL support for AGAL2 compiler and runtime. * added - Physics.awake( position, radius ) which awakes objects around a certain point, useful for big impacts. * added - Collider.offset property. * added - Collider.userData property. * added - Collider.hasGroup() method. * added - Collider.setCollisionGroups() method. * added - Collider.addCollisionGroups() method. * added - Collider.removeCollisionGroups() method. * added - Device3D.frac_time constants used in FLSL (#semantic FRAC_TIME float4). * added - Device3D.cameraDir constants used in FLSL (#semantic CAM_DIR float3). * added - Device3D.releaseBytes to release bitmaps and surface bytes. * added - Device3D.releaseTextureBitmaps to release bitmapDatas after uploading. * added - Device3D.dynamicSamplerState. * added - Matrix3DUtils.setQuaternion() method. * added - Matrix3DUtils.getQuaternion() method. * improved - Scene3D.skipFrames does a better and smooth job now. * improved - Pivot3D animation complete events now are dispatched after updating all other pivots. this allows for better synchronized animations. * improved - Pivot3D memory on setRotation, setOrientation, setNormalOrientation and lookAt methods. * improved - Camera3D getPointDir() now uses the camera viewport if available, otherwise, it uses the scene viewport. * improved - Camera3D isSphereInView() now also supports orthographic projection. * improved - ShadowProjector3D shaders to better handle skinned surfaces with differnt amount of bones. * improved - Particles3D to avoid recompiling the shaders when possible. * improved - Texture3D was completely rewritten and optimized. * improved - Surface3D bytes are discarded in cases where the vertex vectors are created. * improved - SkyBox was completely rewritten to better use the GPU. although passing an array of bitmaps in the constructor is not longer supported, use a cubemap texture instead. * improved - Contact.depth property is now set for RayColliders. * improved - Physics.debug() now uses a batching method to draw the debug AABB bounds which is a lot faster (yellow = active, red = sleeping, black = disabled). * improved - Matrix3DUtils multiple optimizations. * fixed - Camera3D getPointDir() when using orthographic projection. * fixed - Camera3D updateProjectionMatrix() issue when swhiching to different viewports. * fixed - Camera3D clone() not setting the fovMode. * fixed - Particles3D clone() now clones randomColors, colorTexture and tint values. * fixed - Particles3D dispose() not releasing all resources. * fixed - FLSLProgram3D vertex and fragments byteArrays are now disposed when disposeing the program / material. * fixed - FLSL with INPUT15 attributes. * fixed - FLSL optimizer removing some instructions while moving blocks of code and doing its job. * fixed - FLSL issues when returning a float1 value to output vertex or output fragment when using the shader as a filter. * fixed - Surface3DUtils.compress issues with float precision when comparing vertices. * fixed - ZF3DLoader issues not releasing all used memory. * fixed - ZF3DLoader, children extends parent visivilty property. If parent loader is hidden, all its children will be as well when loaded. * fixed - RayCollision bug with null reference on disposed surfaces. * fixed - Collider.enabled property not working properly in some cases. * changed - FLSLFilter and FLSLSCope params proeprties are now of type Object instead of a Dictionary. * changed - Texture3D name is only set if the request is a string, and only uses the last filename, not the entire path. * changed - Scene3D light filter, default technique is PHONG now, instead of SAMPLED. * changed - Surface3D.material can not returun a null value, if it does not have a material it returns a NullMaterial instance. * changed - Lines3D.material is not longer shared amount all Lines3D instances. each one owns its own material instead. * changed - Collider triggers can now react each other and collect contacts but not against static objects (needs feedback based on different use cases) * changed - most of the internal events are not longer wekeables, make sure to always release your resources when not longer needed. * removed - ZF3DLoader files does not longer include scene settings, these should be configured by code. * removed - Scene3D.allowImportSettings. * And lots of small memory, GC, stability and peroemance improvements!. * IDE A lot has changed, but these are the most important things: The IDE is now running in Stage3D Standard profile to support the new features. * added - (beta) Project panel - a brand new, re designed panel to replace the old (removed) Library panel. * added - (beta) Project panel - new F3D binary format (right click on packages - "Build Package"). * added - (beta) Project panel - export options with offline geometry compression, and optimizations for Web, Mobile, and Development builds. * added - (beta) Project panel - support for multiple simultaneous opened 3D files. * added - (beta) Project panel - allows for creating multiple Scenes. * added - (beta) Project panel - drag and drop from Hierarchy panel creates new 3D objects. * added - (beta) Project panel - multiple packages with configurations for different platforms / skins. * added - (beta) Project panel - support for folders and better organized projects. * added - (beta) Project panel - "Reimport and Reimport from..." for textures and 3d objecs (coming soon). * added - (beta) Textures panel - allows to configure all texture settings. * added - (beta) Textures panel - automatic conversion to ATF at building time. * added - (beta) Textures panel - override max texture size and texture compression. * added - (beta) Textures panel - new texture formats for RGB and RGBA packed textures. * added - (beta) ToolTips - improved, bigger, nicer, instant previews for almost all resources. * added - Scene panel - instant preview when draging materials from Project panel over the scene before drop. * added - Scene panel - instant preview when draging 3D objects from Project panel over the scene before drop. * added - Scene panel - when draging 3D objects from Project panel, objects are placed over the object under mouse for fast placing of objects. * added - Scene panel - "Select viewport Camera" icon to allow to configure the current scene camera for testing or viewving purposes. * added - Scene panel - current frame number in timeline for info and / or edit. * added - Properties panel - Mesh group now displays all surface with their materials (click or double click to jump over the materials panel). * added - Properties panel - Scene group now has mobile devices resolutions and orientations to easily test different screen resolutions. * added - Properties panel - isStatic property. * added - Properties panel - a small animaiton group with total frames and frame speed for animated objects. * added - Hierarchy panel - now shows the root of each opened 3d file, and the scene in the Scene nodes. * added - Colliders offset settings. * added - Colliders groups settings. * added - FLSL - external flsl files are noew saved into the project for further editing and compilation and updated when opening the project. * added - File menu - New Project, Open Project, Save Project and Save As Project to match new Project panel options. * fixed - bug with ColorTransform and ColorMatrix filters when they were placed as first filter in the stack. * fixed - issues with some keys when the focus is not in the scene. * fixed - general crashes when compiling FLSL shaders / filters. * fixed - undo / redo in lights settings. * fixed - issues with spinner controls. * fixed - issues with image buttons. * fixed - bugs in cameras selector. * fixed - Camera fovMode it's saved now. * improved - wireframe rendering. * improved - when choosing a camera from cameras selector, it gets selected and all parameters are linked to the current viewport until the camera is moved manually. these include fov mode, field of view, near and far properties. * changed - materials panel now displays one material at a time and it is open by default. to natigate trough the mesh materials use the Mesh group in Properties panel * changed - due the new Project panel, the scripts API has change. this could break existing scripts. * And all sort of small new features, improvements and fixes!. * 3DSMax Exporter * fixed - skin animation issues in version 2014. Flare3D 2.7.1 Library: * changed - Scene3D allowImportSettings property is true by default now, that means the first loaded file will import its scene settings (clearColor, ambientColor, fog, gamma, lights settings, etc...). turn it to false before loading if it is not the desired action. * changed - Camera3D near value now is clammped to 0.001. * changed - particles start automatically when added to the scene. * added - FlappyFlare physics example. * added - PieChart example. * fixed - bug when cloning mesh colliders. * fixed - some Context3D states were not cleared correctly when integrating with other frameworks such as starling, * fixed - bug with per vertex lighting when setting multiple directional lights. IDE: * improved - general loading times for zf3d files. * changed - by default the N of lights is set to the minimum, each time a lights is added, the tool will ask about incrementing the N of lights. * fixed - drag & drop of multiple objects. * fixed - rotated collada models. * fixed - right click on hierarchy panel not selecting as expected. * fixed - quicPreview template. * fixed - bug in update window when pressing cancel. FLSL: * fixed - constant value "false" not working. * fixed - parameters were overrided when asigning the same filter instance to two different materials, causing some issues with blendmodes. * fixed - issues when cloning a custom FLSL fitler. Flare3D 2.7.0 We're going trhough a new mayor release!! Some of the key (beta) features: - new Physics packages! (see docs). - new Fog and Gamma correction features. - new Scritping and Plugins system on the IDE. - new MeshBatch3D feature to allow batching of dynamic / moveable meshes. Library: * added - Scene3D.physics, and the new flare.physics packages. * added - Scene3D.allowImportSettings, which allows to import scene settigns configured in the IDE. * added - parameters sourceFactor and destinationFactor in Scene3D.drawQuadTexture method. * added - Particles3D.setTint method and get tint property. * added - Particles3D.randomSeed property. * added - Camera3D.fovMode property with support for horizontal and vertical fov. * added - Pivot3D.collider property * added - Pivot3D.getTextures method. * added - Pivot3D.setAnimationSmooth method (see docs). * added - resetAnimation parameter to Pivot3D.play method (see docs). * added - MeshBatch3D class. * added - Texture3D width and height properties. * added - FLSLFilter enabled property. * added - FLSLMaterial compileAll parameter in constructor which allows for compiling multiple techniques at the same time. * added - FLSLMaterial.setTechnique method which allow to dinamically change the techniques at runtime. * added - LightFilter phong technique. * added - LightFilter setGamma method. * added - Shader3D duplicate method, which not only clones the Shader3D but also its filters. * added - NullFilter class which is simiaar to NullMaterial but can be used as a filter in a Shader3D material. * added - Arrow, Dome, HPlane, and Spring primitives. * improved - Camera3D culling system. * improved - moved some context calls to Device3D class to minimize state changes as much as possible. * improved - multiple Particles3D optimizations and fixes. * improved - multiple improvements and fixes in ShadowProjector3D class. * improved - Surface3D.hasVertexData method, now also checks for possible linked surfaces. * improved - multiple FLSLMaterial optimizations. * improved - multiple Matrix3DUtils optimizations. * fixed - bug with lights when disposing the scene and other issues related to scene dispose. * fixed - bug when disposing the scene in postUpdateEvent. * fixed - Scene3D.visible property when calling show() or hide() on the scene. * fixed - some issues related to skinned meshes and animation blending. * fixed - bug in Pivot3D.show and hide. * fixed - bug in Shape3D.bounds property. IDE: Important: The IDE now saves as a regular 3d file, nor more Save Selected As...no more warnings!. Objects are saved contained in the loader, so it not longer returns an empty loader. This could break compatibility in some cases, please make sure to backup before re-saving files. - added - colliders panel. - added - gamma and fog in scene settings (gamme is set by default to 2.2 in the IDE). - added - new scripting API and examples. - added - tools/debug/physics plugin. - added - tools/utils/render normal map plugin. - added - tools/utils/render cubemap map plugin. - added - tools/utils/rename objects plugin. - added - anim labels panel. - added - Create new Script in utils menu. - added - new camera selector, and camera top, left, front, back, left and right presets. - added - physics template to publish templates. - added - enable / disable filters in materials. - added - create menu in right click in hierarchy panel. this creates the object as a child of all selected objects. - added - timeline now has shortcuts, backspace to play / stop, (; and ') to go forward backward. - added - output panel now has horizontal scrollbar. - fixed - issues with modal windows. - fixed - tab orders between controls. - fixed - lots of general fixes.. - improved - lots of GUI optimizations and improvements. EXPORTER: - added - now supports gamma correction when converting psd files. - fixed - general fixes. Flare3D 2.5.20 dev. Library: * fixed - mouse collision bug when geometries needed to be splited. * fixed - skybox + shadows bug. * fixed - mouse cursor not behaving correctly when usgin a custom cursor. * fixed - SkyBox is set to not receive or cast shadows by default. IDE: * added - right click on camera on hierarchy panel shows a new menu "Look Through Camera". * added - double click on items which dont't have children on hierarchy panel, opens the properies panel. * added - class metadata on scripts to allow scripts shortcuts, ex: [Shortcut(key = "a")] * fixed - gradient colors noth being updated when changing the first color key. Flare3D 2.5.19 * if you changed any of the IDE scripts, make sure to backup them first. this version will override existing folders. IMPORTANT (compatibility changes): * changed - behavior on Pivot3D.visible / show() and hide() methods. Pivot3D.visible is now a public property, and it is not longer recursive. Pivot3D.show() and Pivot3D.hide() are now recursove through the pivot hierarchy. * changed - added new "type" parameter in Texture3D. Texture3D.FORMAT_CUBEMAP was removed, use Texture3D.TYPE_CUBE in the type parameter instead. * changed - very important optimizations were made in FLSL, some FLSL shaders may need to be recompiled in order to work with this version. Library: * improved - important performance optimizations and improvements on the material system (please test!). * added - support for alpha mask, offset and repeat params for textures in shadow pojector (need to use the new mask parameter of TextureMapFilter and should be the first fitler). * added - Scene3D.showLayer( layer:int ) - experimental. * added - Scene3D.hideLayer( layer:int ) - experimental. * added - Scene3D.drawLayer( layer:int, material:Material3D = null ) - experimental. * added - Pivot3D.getTextures():Vector. which returns all the textures that are currently in use. (see docs). * added - Camera3D set projection property which allows for a custom projection matrix. * added - Camera3D.orthographic to allow mouse events in orthographic projection when using a custom projection matrix. * added - Scene3D postUpdate event. * added - Capsule primitive. * added - Lines3D material getter. * added - Surface3D.removeVertexData(). * added - PlanarMap filter (projected / spherical). * added - Texture3D, support for rectangle textures using a Rectangle object as a request. * added - new examples, Test61_LightScattering, Test62_PlanarReflections and Test63_MotionBlur. * changed - important refactor on Texture3D class to allow the new texture formats suppoerted by Stage3D (BGR_PACKED / BGRA_PACKED) and rectangle textures. * changed - animationCompleteEvent is dispatched after the hierarchy has been updated. * changed - some internal FLSL functions to avoid some GC. * changed - renamed FLSLProgram3D getTextueByName() by getSamplerByName() * changed - quad material (used in scene.drawQuadTexture) now supports alpha blended, and texture is set to CLAMP and MIP_NONE. * changed - SkyBox layer is now set to 32 by default. * fixed - lights are sorted by priorities again (based on distance and visibility to the camera). * fixed - fixed mouse event issues when interacting with flash 2D objects that prevented to update properly the collision info (please test!). * fixed - reflection maps now are loaded correctly. * fixed - some library issues on loaded assets. * fixed - some issues with shadow projector on skinned meshes. * fixed - merge / split bug related to missing buffers. * fixed - issues on Scene3D.freeMemory() method. * fixed - Device3D.drawCalls is now updated correctly. * fixed - issues when using shadows for with post processing or custom rendering. * improved - shadow projector uses rectangle textures when they are available. * improved - general optimizations. IDE: * added - new library panel ( textures and materials ). * added - new user data panel. * added - docs and wiki plugins. * added - custom plugins & panels API (beta). * added - in screen stats (fps, objects, drawCalls, and triangles on screen). * added - support for custom filters in Shader3D materials. * added - support for saving custom FLSL filters and materials. * added - techniques combo and new UI types (color, int, bool, list:A,B,C) on filters and FLSL materials. * added - uv channel combo in all filters who requires texture maps. * added - invertX and invertY options in NormalMapfilter. * added - started integration with generic models support (obj, 3ds, dae, fbx, x, etc...) - only windows version at the momment. * added - started integration with generic texture formats (psd, bmp, tga, dds, jpg, png, etc...) - only windows version at the momment.. * added - clear history menu in history panel. * added - undo/redo for FLSL materials. * added - an experimental phong technique for lights. * fixed - bugs with ATF textures. * fixed - history panel is cleared when a new project is created. * fixed - issues compiling IDE scripts. * fixed - issues with cubemaps. * fixed - some filters not being included in the publish / preview. * fixed - some issues when un-docking panels. * fixed - some issues in output panel. * fixed - bugs when doing drag & drop in hierarchy panel in some special cases. * fixed - prevents of throwing the same error many times (please try to save your work when an error occours). * improved - ResetTransforms and PerVertexGI utils. * improved - huge GUI optimizations improvements and fixes. FLSL * added - new UI types (color, int, bool, and list:item1,item2,item3). * improved - conditional compilation support. * changed - time constants now are clamped to [0-1] range. * fixed - a few general issues. EXPORTER: * added - animation frame ranges. * fixed - maxScript API. * fixed - wrong bounds when the pivot is manually rotated. Flare3D 2.5.18 Library * changed - * IMPORTANT! * Scene3D.skipFrames is false by default now. set it to true for games or apps that need constant framerates. this will cause general apps to run smoother than before. * changed - behavior in Pivot3D.getChildByName, now it looks first in it's children and then go deep in the hierarchy. * changed - Pivot3D.getChildByName, now returns skin bones if any, so it's easy to access them, but their transformation is still in local skeletal space. * changed - FLSLMaterial/Shader3D build/rebuild - a material that has been build, can not be build again unless you call to rebuild. * changed - Reflection map filter exported from 3dmax, it is now applied before lighting. * added - Pivot3DUtils.setAnimations that allows to replace all pivot animations and labels using another as a source. * added - Pivot3DUtils.removeAnimations to remove all pivot animations and its labels. * added - Shape3D bounds (just fast approximation). * added - Pivot3D.getChildrenByClass() which returns all objects of the specified class. * added - Pivot3D.getMaterials() which returns a vector containing all materials. * added - Shader3D.getFilterByClass; * added - Shader3D.removeFilterByClass; * added - new "change" event to skin modifier, allowing to change bones transformations before they are being render. * added - updateVertexBuffer( startVertex:int = 0, numVertices:int = -1 ):void to update all or specific part of the the vertex buffer. * added - updateIndexBuffer( startIndex:int = 0, numIndices:int = -1 ):void to update all or specific part of the the index buffer. * improved - important optimizations, improvements and fixes on Mesh3DUtils.merge method. * improved - important optimizations on Surface3DUtils.transform method. * improved / changed - Animation blending now, blends using the last transformation instead of the last frame allowing better transitions (beta). * fixed - scene.clearColor is now applied to all buffer clear operations. * fixed - some issues with GC and dispose methods. * fixed - merge issue when merging surfaces with same materials but differente buffers. * fixed - bugs in clone method of Particles3D. * fixed - bug with SelfColorFilter overryding alpha values. * fixed - issues with specular lights and alpha values. IDE: - this version has a big code refactor on it, please report anything unexpected. * added - scripted tools (beta). * added - shadow projector. * added - undo & redo and history panel (beta). * added - publish / scripted templates (beta) * added - drag & drop in hierarchy panel to allow to change pivots order or parents (beta). * added - new camera modes - orbit / fps and camera speed. use arrow keys, page up and page down, or (WSAD/QE) to move and right click to rotate the camera in both modes. * added - texture mip, filter and wrap options. * added - scene lights settings. * added - visual representation for curves / shapes. * added - ability to save shapes. * added - info panel with info about pivot local / global boundings (beta). * added - select invert. * added - zoom selected on right-click on hierarchy panel. * added - non-visible objects now are shown in gray in hierarchy panel. * added - target field on transform panel to highlight the main selected object and all axis are now enabled by default. * added - special gizmos for directional lights and infinite point lights. * added - all comboboxes can swich their states using the mouse whell when they have the focus or just doing right click. * improved - hierarchy filter field, now it is possible to filter by material, incomplete names matches, and by class. * improved - usability on pivot transform controls on properties panel, specially when working with rotation angles. * improved - all spinner controls, now move faster holding shift key and slower when holding ctrl. * improved - lots of gui improvements and optimizations. * changed - when deleting a pivot, it's children are moved up to the next parent in the hierarchy. * changed - reorganized some filters in the material filters menu. * fixed - when creating a new materials, is only applied to selected objects. * fixed - page up / page down keys in hierarchy panel. * fixed - bug on frameRate accuracy. * fixed - bug when saving particle textures. * fixed - bug when saving workspaces. * fixed - bug with [Delete] key not being ignored by the scene in when writting in text fields. * fixed - ATF support. FLSL: * added - exp2 and log2. * fixed - exp and log are now exp2 and log2, and fixed exp and log to return the correct values. * fixed - flsl illegal operation error when an array with a dynamic index was involved. * fixed - flsl wrong temporal optimization for indexed registers. * changed - renamed mul4x3 by mul3x4. Flare3D 2.5.17b IDE: * added - advanced options for blending, cull face and depth, in Shader3D materials. * added - menu File -> Save, Save As, Save Selected As. * added - right click on hierarchy objects -> Save Selected As.... that allows to export specific objects from the scene. * added - menu File -> Screenshot. takes a snapshot of the current viewport buffer and saves it to a png file. * added - cut, paste, duplicate, delete. * added - double click to open/close in hierarchy panel. * added - show in hierarchy on right click. * added - menu Windows / Workspaces / Reset to reset to the original workspace. * fixed - transparent property not being saved. * fixed - issues loading reflection cubempa and filp normals filters in the library. * fixed - import issues with f3d models with normal maps. * fixed - visible property was taking too long. * fixed - specular values for f3d models. the value is adjusted to match new params. * fixed - some bugs saving f3d and colalda files with skin. * improved - collada absolute texture paths now look for the textures in the same folder as de DAE file. * improved - lots of general gui improvements and optimizations. * improved - loading times. Library: * fixed - mouse out event had null surface object. * fixed - some flsl optimizations that produced wrong results. * fixed - bug loading normals maps from f3d's. * fixed - bugs in skin modifier. * added - animation complete event on Particles3D. * added - new post fx and rotateTextureFilter examples. * improved - a few materials performance optimizations. * improved - Mesh3DUtils.merge now takes layer property to sort the objects when possible. * improved - Surface3D.polys for surface instances. * improved - ray and sphere collisions. * improved - general optimizations and memory managment. * improved - split process of skinning surfaces. Flare3D 2.5.16c Library: * added - Particles3D reverse:Boolean mode. * added - Particles3D frames:Point property to define the number of frames of the texture in x and y axis. * added - Particles3D randomFrame property allowing to randomly select a frame when frames property is set. * fixed - delay property in Particles3D. * fixed - some issues with sorting on Particles3D. * fixed - error when disposing Pivot3D. * fixed - Device3D.trianglesDrawn property. * fixed - range error when removing Pivot3D in complete event (need more testing, but appears to be ok now). * fixed - bug with directional lights. * fixed - bug in Surface3D with the vector parameter of addVertexData. * fixed - general minor issues. IDE: * added - visible property in all pivots. * added - layer property in all pivots. * added - particles properties to match the library new properties. * fixed - general minor issues. Flare3D 2.5.15 * added - Particles3D class (beta). * added - #for statements for static loops in FLSL. (beta). * added - const casting in FLSL. Now is possible to cast a value to a const() to precalculate values outside the shader. for ex: const( i * 0.2 ); will be evaluated outside the shader by the compiler. * fixed - components are removed before disposing the Pivot3D. * fixed - errors with mouse and ray collisions. * fixed - errors when using specular + self illumination filters. * fixed - errors with texture options (wrap/filter/mip) in QuadMaterial. * changed - Input3D gets reset when the stage dispatch deactivate event. * fixed - other minor issues here and there. Flare3D 2.5.14 * added - Full ATF support for rgba, compressed, compressed with alpha and cubemaps. * added - includeChildren parameter in Mesh3DUtils.merge. By default is false. * fixed - Bug when using mouse events in cloned objects. * fixed - loaded property in Flare3DLoader.